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Sky Racing World launches Italian horseracing
Updated:2024-03-20 08:52    Views:160

Sky Racing World has announced it will distribute horseracing live from Italy and broadcast it across North America.

This is facilitated by the previously announced partnership between Sky Racing World and Epiqa, which included both thoroughbred and harness racing.

Epiqa is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Snaitech Group, an operator in the Italian legal gaming industry.

The Ippodromo Snai San Siro in Milan will be included in the coverage, a racetrack owned by Snaitech Group.

The simulcast will also broadcast races from Florence, Follonica, Livorno, Milan, Montecatini, Sassari, Albenga, Chilivani,Free games Padova, Taranto and Foggia.

This announcement comes ahead of the Spring Thoroughbred season, which begins in April and runs until July.

Sky Racing World will broadcast the races each morning on its app, website and betting sites.

US fans will also be able to access pari-mutuel wagering B-pools on the ADW sites via Premier Gateway International.

There will also be information regarding past performances, racing data and tipping guides, through a partnership between Sky Racing World and Racing and Sports.

Sky Racing World is licensed to distribute live races from countries including Australia, South Africa, South Korea and Argentina across North America and the Caribbean.

Epiqa is a multimedia company owned by Snaitech, and has been responsible for broadcasting Italian and foreign racetracks since 2005.

It has four television channels and three live streams for horseracing, with a further three channels dedicated to virtual events.


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