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NCPG announces grant recipients for Autumn 2023
Updated:2024-03-25 13:41    Views:176

As part of its commitment to giving more than $1m in funding grants between 2022 and 2024, the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) has awarded five non-profit organisations a total of $176,000 in funding, in order to aid programs across the US tackling issues of problem gambling.

Organisations that received the award have been commended for prevention strategies that are offering innovative solutions or amplifying the issue, with the grants intending to provide financial backing for these non-profit organisations work.

The Fall 2023 Agility Grants, as it is known, are possible due to the multi-year commitment to the NCPG the NFL has. This commitment, acted upon through the NFL Foundation, is done to encourage responsible betting, which is a key value and responsibility held by the organisation

However, the Fall 2023 Agility Grants are not sponsored exclusively by the NFL,Casino games with additional contributors to the fund including online gambling platform Fanduel.

Of the five organisations nominated for this season's grant, the two that were awarded for Prevention Innovation programs were The Alabama Council on Compulsive Gambling Prevention (ACCG) and The Problem Gambling Coalition of Colorado. The two organisations work alongside schools in Alabama and Denver, respectively, using gaming and art as ways to engage with young people and explain gambling addiction.

The second three organisations were awarded for Prevention Amplification programs. These are the AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, Inc., The LCADA Way, and the Maryland Council on Problem Gambling.

The NCPG is committed to preventing and mitigating harm created by problem gambling. It offers and supports a variety of services across the US, meaning that if you or someone you know may be suffering from these issues, it may be able to provide a solution. Its official stance is gambling neutral.


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